2:54 PM

Now school’s almost over, your days start to become longer and your nights become shorter because of summer. It's the time when you’re finally free of requirements and deadlines that you immediately reward yourself by going out with friends or maybe buying food from McDonald’s, all for yourself. It may be fun to do those things at first because you have no worries, but what if you start getting bored and just spend your days in your room surfing the Internet? We can’t let that happen. That’s why you have to put down your phone, get up on your seat and do these things to pass your time.

1. Pick Up and Play Your Instruments at Home
One of the things you should do when you’re bored out of your mind is go pick up that instrument you have lying around at home and pluck a few strings. It wouldn’t hurt to try even if you’re not that good at playing. Sometimes, just playing a few random notes will find you a melody. You could learn new songs by watching tutorials in YouTube so that it could help you learn quick and easy songs.

2. Go Read a Book
If you don’t have any instruments at home this could be a good alternative for you. Reading could help you clear your mind. One of its perks is bringing you to a whole new world where the author wants you to see what they’ve created in their minds. You could read whatever you want like Rainbow Rowell’s Attachments, Robyn Schneider’s The Beginning of Everything, and even the infamous Harry Potter series. For me, I consider reading a stress reliever because everything fades out when I start flipping through pages of any book that I get a hold of. That’s why you should rest your eyes from all those shared posts and tweets. Go look for a book and indulge in a whole different setting. Maybe you’d even gush about a character or complain about the book ending. Believe me, I get those too.

Movie taken from: The Longest Week
Photo taken by Justin Goyena
3. Watch a Movie
If you don’t feel like going out with your friends, but you want to watch a show or movie, you could do that at home! All you need is your hard drive or  a USB that’s full of movies and shows and plug it in your laptop or your TV. The advantages of watching at home with your hard drive rather than watching movies in some channels is that it’s in high resolution, and there are no commercials. Also, you get to control the flow of the movie in case you missed a scene or couldn’t understand the dialogue. And finally, you could get to watch old movies/shows that brings back memories from your childhood, and you get to save money! Convenient right?

4. Write Anything, Doodle Anything!
When you don’t like doing anything of the three I’ve mentioned and you found yourself seated in before your table with a paper and pen, you could do whatever you want. Writing things could help express yourself and could even unleash your hidden talent at writing poems or short stories. The same thing goes with doodling; drawing weird patterns that eventually leads to a different kind of art. You should feel proud of yourself with what you’ve done! You don’t have to rack your brains for ideas, just let it be. Let your hands do the work and just wait for the outcome later.

5. Plug in and Play
If you just want to lie down and look at the ceiling, that’s fine too. The experience would be better if you were to listen to music. To me, music is everything. It’s such a big deal to me that it has become a part of me. With music, it gives you different emotions, depending on the genre of music you’re listening too. Lying down and listening is also one of my habits when I have nothing else to do. Whenever I plug in my earphones in my iPod, I let the music take me. I even close my eyes just to feel the beat of the music. Even if this is such a simple thing to do, I recommend that you do this because it calms the mind, and it could even help you catch up with your sleep.

So there you have it! 5 things to do so you wouldn’t waste your summer by looking at posts and Instagram videos. It could make you be productive or unwind for a while. If you keep doing these activities, I’m sure that you’ll create a hobby out of those! Hope these suggestions will help you!

Until next time!


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