5:04 PM


Based from what I've been hearing all around campus, most students are anxious and apprehensive about their upcoming years in Senior High School. Of course, I had the same burning feeling of anxiety, but SHS is something you shouldn't be afraid of. I have learned a handful of lessons, not only from my subjects, but life and the environment around me. Although, it is something that you should take very seriously and put all your efforts in everything you do. In short, Senior High is the foundation of your college career and your career in the future, as well. In this case, all students are to be treated like college students and here are just some simple tips to get you ahead and make your journey less rocky. Mind you, that these tips are mostly collected from my personal experiences in my SHS career.


Have, at least, TWO gadgets ready and charged. I usually bring my phone and my iPad and with two gadgets, surfing and searching for information is far faster than just using one gadget. One gadget for typing and one for surfing (Sometimes, you can even listen to music if your teacher gives you the permission to do so.). For me, the best gadget you can bring to school is your laptop --- As long as it has MS Office and a stable wifi, then you're good to go! Remember: Gadgets are allowed in SHS, but that doesn't mean you can use it anytime you like.


Be organized and make a 'To Do' list for your homeworks and projects! I'm one of those people who lack skills in time management and organization when it comes to my priorities. Without organizing, you will more likely end up procrastinating and that will be one of the factors of low grades. Teachers in SHS are stricter and once they announce the due date, that is the due date and there are no exceptions, so do things on time! It will be your saving grace.


Take notes, at all times! This is one of the biggest lessons I've learned this year --- your notebook will be your anchor, keep it safe and keep writing on it! You don't necessarily have to make reviewers when there's a test, because everything you need to know is on your notebook. Also, there is a discovery that if you write on paper, the more you will likely remember it (think of it like muscle memory!).


Google Docs is your new best friend! There will be plenty of type-written works in SHS, hence the use of gadgets. Although, you may have your trusty MS Word, but when it comes to group works, Google Docs is coming to your rescue. Google Docs is far more interactive and multiple people can open the file at once, making the process of working much faster. 


Learn how to work independently! While being in a group is much more comfortable, you should expose yourself outside of your comfort zone. Feel the stress and experience the struggles of working alone. It may sound harsh, but you will find out more about yourself like your strengths and weaknesses. Once you finish your work, you will feel contentment, knowing that you gave your best efforts and you, yourself can attest to that. More importantly, it will train you and prepare you for the real world and college life!

Senior High is not easy, but with the right mindset and positive attitude, you will come out as a new person with a wider perspective. 



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