11:15 PM

Art, as we know, portrays the culture of a country. I am an Indian and am proud that my culture is known for its art around the world -from fashion to rangoli (colored rice art)
 to henna tattoos. 
Mehndi cones
         Henna is a temporary tattoo that is made out of paste. It is bought in local shops in a small cone-shaped tube. Both men and women apply henna, although majority are females. Traditionally, the henna is brown in color and it gets darker the longer you leave it on your palm before washing it. Nowadays, henna is in trend among teenage girls. A whole new level has been attained; white and gold detailed sticker tattoos  have been introduced in the market. I am glad to say that so far, the people have been enjoying this unique art from my beloved country.

Katrina Elena Photography

        Mehndi ceremonies are held for the bride-to-be. Only girls are invited to this ceremony and they, together with the bride, enjoy getting henna art done with music and dance performances. As part of the tradition, the groom  needs to find the letters of his name all scattered around the henna on the arms and legs of the bride. You know the plan! Make the henna art as detailed as possible and enjoy having the groom have a hard time. Also, they say the darker the henna turns out, the more your husband loves you!

       Different breathtaking patterns and designs are applied on the hands all the way to the forearms and on the feet and legs. The patterns range from floral, curves, lots of lines, shadings and many more! It really just depends on your preference. So go ahead and express yourself in an artistic way!

Minor detail: most people have a misconception regarding the origin of henna or mehndi (as we call it in India). Such beautiful art has been originated from India, not Bohemia.

I hope you enjoyed this post and learned a thing or two about my culture! :)

Until next time, 

Khushi Ramchandani

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