Senior High wins against the Seniors! Volleyball Interbatch 2016

1:43 PM

Proud Grade 11 Champions
from left to right: Standing: Louise Gayova, Annika Silangcruz, Denise Goyena, Jamie Mark, Kara Olivarez, Mariah Mulally ; Kneeling: Sabrina Pilapil, Ysabel Esguerra, Rachel Hernandez, Anika Abcede

           Last January 28 and 29 of 2016, the different batches of Unit 3 and SHS competed in different sports which included Volleyball, Basketball, Football and Swimming. Every year at the College fair, Inter-batches are held for the students to represent their own batches.The players are handpicked by the different sport captains of each batch, choosing only the best of the best athletes. The volleyball inter-batch was held last January 29 and the students of SHS were held against the seniors. The players of Grade 11 represented the strands of ABM and STEM. 

"At the start of the game, I felt somewhat uneasy, but as the game progressed I was giving my all", says Goyena of 11H.

The volleyball game went on for 5 sets. The senior high led by winning the 2nd, 3rd and last set while the seniors won the 1st and 4th set. The continuous passing of ball over the net was a very intense thing to watch, especially since the game was very tight. Watching the game felt like watching a UAAP match since both batches had very excellent volleyball players since majority played for CSA's volleyball varsity team coached by Ms. Vita. The game continued to intensify as each set passed, the final scores not far away from each other. The players were encouraged and cheered on by their batch mates watching and supporting them the whole time.
The game ended with the result of 15-13, the senior high leading with the final score of 3-2. The game safely ended without injuries or fights from both batches. It also ended with a friendly handshake with each other, showing the friendly side of Augustinians despite the wins and losses. The grade 11 may have not been part of other co-curricular activities, but the inter-batch has showed how talented, athletic and united the batch really is. It may not be much of a big event but it was clearly a very memorable for the batch of the senior high. SHS represent!

                                                                         J A N E 

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