Essential apps you need to survive Senior High!

9:13 PM

         Technology has been a huge part of our everyday lives. Just imagine a day without a gadget.. It sucks doesn't it? Our everyday lives practically revolve around technology, may it be for work, for entertainment or for school. With the new curriculum implemented, gadgets are a must to help us finish our requirements in a quick and easier manner. Why waste the school's wi-fi on pointless apps that wouldn't help you? In today's blog post, I will share some convenient applications that can help you with your school work!

We all have those times where we forget our textbooks at home and we panic in school over who to borrow it from. When the teacher asks where your textbook is, you reply like it was read off a script, "I couldn't bring it because it was too heavy m'am/sir." or simply, "I forgot it at home m'am/sir." and get scolded right after. Well now, you don't need to sweat because iBooks (eBooks) is here for the rescue! It is an app where you could sync/upload eBooks from the internet and you could read it for free, anytime everywhere. Not much of a huge space on your gadget memory and your bag! You could also sync your favorite pocket books and it could help you save your everyday "baon" money!

iBooks (for Apple)
e-Book reader (for Android)

Are you on an android phone and have a huge pdf file you couldn't open on your e-Book app? or simply don't have an internal pdf opener? Don't you worry because there's an application fitted to open your pdf file! The application Adobe Acrobat is designed to open your downloaded pdf file without any login information needed. If you do insist to login, you could have your own online storage to keep track of all your saved pdf works. Creating an account is totally free and it not much of a hassle!
Adobe Acrobat
Have a hard time sourcing your research works? Truth be told, proper sourcing of material is vital to research, but the rigmarole of punctuation and order is exasperating. In automating the tedious task of note-taking, EasyBib is a major innovation in paper writing. Very quick and convenient! Just fire up the app, point the camera at the book’s bar code, and you’re on your way to marking it up in more than 7,000 citation styles like ASA, AMA and more. 

EasyBib (available for both Apple and Android)

Need to edit your microsoft files beforehand? No laptop to present your presentation? These are just some of the essential microsoft applications you MUST have on your gadget! Microsoft word will help you edit and keep a copy of your word files on your gadget. Microsoft powerpoint can help by allowing you to present using any gadget possible and also edit and design your powerpoint anytime. Last essential application is the microsoft excel that helps you record statistical data, create tables and charts anytime, anywhere. No internet connection needed and these applications are totally free. Although you do need to make some space for these big applications.
available for both Android and Apple
This application is probably something you see in everyone's gadget. YouTube. Who doesn't have YouTube on their gadgets? Not only do you use this for entertainment purposes, this can really be helpful for your school works. Since the teacher sometimes cannot accommodate everyone to listen to the video presented, with the use of YouTube, anyone could freely watch the videos and even save the videos offline! 
available for both Android and Apple
Do you know the feeling when the teacher presents too fast and you just can't seem to keep track of the files and presentation anymore? Well fear no more! Google Drive is here for easier file exchanging! It's as easy as logging onto your G-mail account and you can import and export files to and from different people. Hooray for quick file sending! With Google Drive comes Gmail so it's better to install both for easier and quicker access to your email for notifications. Most teachers also use Gmail since it is easier to access. 

Google Drive (available for both Android and Apple)

Gmail (available for both Android and Apple)

Lastly, Google Chrome will never fail you with quick browsing access! There will be so much times where the teacher will ask you to access multiple websites for resources and in my opinion, google chrome is the most helpful browser of all. With google chrome you can connect using your gmail account and browse unlimitedly with your wi-fi connection! 

Google Chrome (available for both Android and Apple)
         These are only just a few applications out of the countless applications you can have on your gadgets. With these applications, it can be a huge help for your workload to be finished much easier and faster. Moreover, the right use of technology can help us not only for entertainment purposes but also in school for a more interesting and a new interactive way of learning. I hope this blog post has helped to reach out to my fellow SHS students and incoming SHS students!

Till next time! 


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